Key Competencies for Modern Learners and Global Citizens

Characteristics or competencies expected of modern individuals, especially in the context of learning, self-development, and global roles. Here is a description of each point:

  1. Adaptive: The ability to adapt to changes, both in the work environment, social, and technology.
  2. Agile Learners: Individuals who are agile and fast in learning, able to absorb and apply new knowledge efficiently.
  3. Self-Directed: Having the initiative and ability to learn or work independently without having to be directed continuously.
  4. Entrepreneur: Thinking like an entrepreneur, including creativity, innovation, and the ability to take risks to create new value or opportunities.
  5. Complex Problem Solver: Able to analyze complex problems and find effective solutions, often with a critical and strategic approach.
  6. Digital Literacy: The ability to understand and use digital technology effectively, including mastery of digital tools for work or learning.
  7. Multi-Disciplinary: Having broad insight and being able to work across disciplines, connecting various fields of knowledge to create innovative solutions.
  8. Global Citizenship: Awareness as a citizen of the world, with an understanding of global issues, and the ability to work effectively with individuals from various cultures and backgrounds.
